326 research outputs found

    Studying joint attention and hand-eye coordination in human-human interaction: A model-based approach to an automatic mapping of fixations to target objects

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    Online Visual Attention Monitoring for Mobile Assistive Systems

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    Online Visual Attention Monitoring for Mobile Assistive Systems

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    Untying Knotted DNA with Elongational Flows

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    We present Brownian dynamics simulations of initially knotted double-stranded DNA molecules untying in elongational flows. We show that the motions of the knots are governed by a diffusion–convection equation by deriving scalings that collapse the simulation data. When being convected, all knots displace nonaffinely, and their rates of translation along the chain are topologically dictated. We discover that torus knots “corkscrew” when driven by flow, whereas nontorus knots do not. We show that a simple mechanism can explain a coupling between this rotation and the translation of a knot, explaining observed differences in knot translation rates. These types of knots are encountered in nanoscale manipulation of DNA, occur in biology at multiple length scales (DNA to umbilical cords), and are ubiquitous in daily life (e.g., hair). These results may have a broad impact on manipulations of such knots via flows, with applications to genomic sequencing and polymer processing.Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CBET-1335938

    Capturing and Visualizing Eye Movements in 3D Environments

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    Capturing and Visualizing Eye Movements in 3D Environments

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    Analyzing Patterns of Eye Movements in Social Interactions

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    Analyzing Patterns of Eye Movements in Social Interactions

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    Anisotropy and crystal plasticity study of fcc polycrystalline Ni by nanoindentation

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    National audienceL'objectif de l'étude est de mettre en lumière l'anisotropie des matériaux cristallins de type cfc aux échelles micro et nanométriques. Des résultats numériques et expérimentaux de nanoindentation sont présentés. Les essais expérimentaux ont été réalisés sur un échantillon de nickel polycristallin, avec un indenteur de type Berkovich. Les simulations ont été menées sous le code éléments finis ZEBULON, en y intégrant un modèle de plasticité cristalline en grande déformation. Trois directions cristallographiques principales, correspondant à trois grains présentant ces mêmes directions , ont été choisies comme axe d'indentation, à savoir [001], [101] et [111]. Les empreintes ont été analysées au microscope à force atomique (AFM). La topographie de la surface autour des empreintes a révélé des lignes de glissement associées aux différents systèmes activés, ainsi que des remontées de matière (bourrelets) fortement anisotropes et non-symétriques, dépendantes de l'orientation du cristal par rapport à l'indenteur. Ces observations sont en accord avec les résultats des simulations numériques. L'effet de l'orientation de l'indenteur dans chacun des plans d'indentation a également été étudié expérimentalement et numériquement

    Metastable Tight Knots in Semiflexible Chains

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    Knotted structures can spontaneously occur in polymers such as DNA and proteins, and the formation of knots affects biological functions, mechanical strength and rheological properties. In this work, we calculate the equilibrium size distribution of trefoil knots in linear DNA using off-lattice simulations. We observe metastable knots on DNA, as predicted by Grosberg and Rabin. Furthermore, we extend their theory to incorporate the finite width of chains and show an agreement between our simulations and the modified theory for real chains. Our results suggest localized knots spontaneously occur in long DNA and the contour length in the knot ranges from 600 to 1800 nm.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF Grant No. 1335938)Singapore. National Research FoundationSingapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART